Monday 17 October 2016

Jolly Juice

The inpatient internal medicine wards at UTH can get VERY crowded with all of the patients, their caregivers, healthcare professionals and sanitation staff members. During our first few days in the wards I found myself observing my surroundings and trying to take in every little detail. Next to each patient's bed you can find a small cabinet that doubles as a bedside table. On those cabinets you can find many items brought to the ward by caregivers such as pots and bowls for meals, bottles of clean drinking water and often other drinks the patients may prefer like orange Fanta. One special drink that I noticed almost all patients had on their stands in the wards was Jolly Juice. I asked my preceptor about the drink because we don't have this available to us in the U.S.
Bottles of Jolly Juice 
He told me that the Zambian people believe that because the liquid is a dark color similar to blood that the liquid provides health benefits and "is good for the blood". I found this very interesting as anemia is one of the most common conditions we encounter on the wards. The common causes of anemia seen at UTH are chronic illness, malnutrition and pregnancy.  Most patients that we cared for on the internal medicine wards required a blood transfusion and/or iron supplementation and the pharmacy team played a major role in monitoring the hemoglobin level for improvement in their anemia.

While the Jolly Juice may not have any direct benefit on improving the anemia or the blood quality of the critically-ill patients, I bet patients had a little more energy after consuming Jolly Juice due to the sugar content and additional calories in this drink!


  1. I'm a pharmacy student from the University of MD and we are here at UTH currently. We noticed the jolly juice at the bedside as well. I did a search and low and behold came across your blog lol. Clearly pharmacists are a very observant bunch lol

  2. I love the drink and currently its in shortage here, for about 2 months now and its on high demand.

    1. And still in shortage. Or did they stop making jolly juice?

    2. Its actually available here in Kitwe. Had to buy a case of it. Love

  3. It's seen tho under a different name...." Shuwa" one of my favorite drinks

  4. I love the taste of the juice.

  5. It doesn't boost blood. You need iron rich foods or iron supplements for that, unfortunately; jolly juice does not contain iron.

  6. That's true jolly juicy doesn't boost blood, it's just like any other drink e.g mazoe. Have heard nurses and other clinical officers advising patients to use jolly when they blood is low.
