Tuesday 25 October 2016

Hillary in Zambia

In the spirit of election season, look who we found on a plaque in Zambia! The United States funded the building of the Pediatric Centre of Excellence. This building is one of the nicest in the hospital, second only to maybe the cancer disease hospital section. The Pediatric Centre of Excellence focuses on the care and treatment of children living with HIV. Amanda and I had the pleasure of working in the HAART clinic there for an afternoon. Unfortunately, there is a negative stigma associated with the building, as Zambians know this is where one goes to get HIV treatment. Sometimes this can lead to embarrassment and lack of a patient to receive care. Nonetheless, it is quite an exceptional clinic that takes great care of this special population.

Side note: Zambians love to ask us who we are voting for in the upcoming election and they are never shy to voice to us who they think we should vote for.

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